Daily MCQ

সকলো প্ৰশ্নৰ তালিকা

ভাৰতৰ হকী দলৰ চৰকাৰী পৃষ্ঠপোষক কোনখন ৰাজ্য? প্ৰহ্লাদ চৰিত কোনে লিখিছিল? মাধবদেৱৰ জন্ম ক’ত হৈছিল? জীয়া ভৰলী নদী অসমৰ কোনখন জিলাত অৱস্থিত? কোন চনত ৰবীন্দ্ৰ নাথ ঠাকুৰক নোবেল বঁটা প্ৰদান কৰা হৈছিল? অসমৰ মুঠ মাটিকালিৰ কিমান শতাংশ বনাঞ্চলৰ তলত আছে? Identify the incorrectly spelt word. Which pronoun is used for ‘non-living thing’? Is your brother _____ to the gym? What is the opposite of ‘sorrow’? Identify the collective noun for ‘dogs’. Tuhin ran _____ than Zubin to win the race. What does ‘in a nutshell’ mean? Give one-word substitution for ‘life history of a person written by another person’. Which word is incorrectly spelt? From the list below, identify the synonym of ‘lament’. What would be the antonym of ‘friend’? Which word of the following is an example of pronoun? Identify the incorrect set. Identify the correctly spelt word. Identify the incorrectly spelt word. Which of the following pronouns refers to ‘myself’? We _____ the National Anthem every morning at school. What is meant by ‘to create a ruckus’? Which of the following means similar to ‘elevated’?