Daily MCQs

বিখ্যাত মহাবোধি মন্দিৰ ক’ত অৱস্থিত?

যিকোনো এটা বিকল্প বাছি লোৱাৰ পিছত উত্তৰটো চাব পাৰিব।

একেধৰণৰ প্ৰশ্নসমূহ

Identify the Subordinate Clause in the sentence: “Although he was tired, he finished his homework.” Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph: P: She was nervous about the interview but decided to stay calm. Q: As she walked into the room, she greeted everyone with a smile. R: She had prepared thoroughly for this day. S: The interview went well, and she felt a sense of accomplishment afterward. ১৫ বছৰ পিছত এজন মানুহৰ বয়স ১৫ বছৰ আগৰ তুলনাত ৪ গুণ হ’ব। তেওঁৰ বৰ্তমান বয়স হৈছে আৰম্ভণিৰ বৈদিক যুগত সভা দুখন কি আছিল? What is the most appropriate synonym for the word 'Brief'?